Personal, Social, Health Education (PSHE)

What does PSHE look like at Bowesfield Primary School?

Here at Bowesfield Primary School we are committed to the development of the whole child therefore, we place PSHE at the heart of all that we do. We recognise our responsibility to support all pupils to develop in many diverse aspects of life, and preparing pupils for their adult lives is one that Bowesfield Primary School takes pride in. We aim to equip students with the skills and knowledge they will need to face current and topical issues. Thus encouraging them to respond with resilience to future change and challenge in their personal lives. 

Useful links:
PSHE Progression Document
PSHE Vocabulary Progression Document


We show our learning in our floor books.

Well-being Week – Express Yourself in Y3/4 BW

Well-being Week – Express Yourself in Y1/2 ND

Road Safety


Here are some of our KS1 children learning to cross the road safely.


What must we do before crossing the road?   

Yes! That’s right! Look, listen, look again and then walk. Well done!


First Aid Kits

We have first aid kits in each classroom. Children in KS1 discovered why first aid kits are so important and how they are used correctly.


Healthy Foods

Food has an enormous impact on our health when mixed with healthy habits. Children in KS1 in Autumn Term have been looking at foods that support a healthier lifestyle.


Age Restrictions

In Autumn term, children in LKS2 were exploring why rules such as age restriction on games of movies help to keep us safe.

Keeping Safe

Children in LKS2 have been exploring risk. Furthermore, how they can keep themselves safe at home and at school.


In Autumn Term, children in UKS2 explored the effect media can have on our well-being. Here are some lovely messages Y5 wrote to a child who was experiencing low self-esteem caused by social media.