After School Clubs

Please book and pay for your child’s sessions using the school gateway app.

Our fantastic After School Clubs for the Autumn term will be starting next week from Monday 9th September 2024.  We have got a wide range of NEW clubs this year and are really looking forward to welcoming more children to our range of After School clubs. 

We’d like to thank families for replies concerning our extended school provision until 6pm and start our breakfast club earlier, however only one family was interested in this offer therefore we will not be able to carry this out just yet. 

 What time are clubs on?

Some clubs will run until 4.20pm, whilst other clubs will run using the two window pick up windows like as last year; where parents can pick their children up at either 4.20pm or 4.45pm at an afterschool club.

How much do clubs cost?

Charges for the club are as follows:

Pick up at 4.20pm £3.50

Pick up at 4.45pm £5.00

If you pay for clubs, please pay before the clubs start to book your child’s place.

My child receives Pupil Premium – what happens then?

Children who receive the Pupil Premium Grant (check with the office if you are unsure whether you are eligible, will receive UPTO 2 free clubs a week, depending on spaces.     If your child is registered as receiving Pupil Premium there is no need to go onto School Comms.   Instead, please pick up and fill in a booking form from the office and we will let you know if your child has a place. 


Archery KS2 with Mr Chikuza

3.20 – 4.20 = £3.50

3.20 – 4.45 = £5.00

Archery is a sport for all. It helps to build muscle endurance and flexibility, and develop hand-eye coordination and strength. Archery teaches discipline, respect and self-control – something that carries over into pupils’ attitude, work habits and other school activities.

Computing KS1/KS2 with Mrs Hadfield

3.20 – 4.20 only = £3.50

Computing club allows our children to access the internet for learning and developmental purposes, along with offering other educational and fun activities. Examples of the benefits and activities include: Supervised access to computers, internet and other technology.


Strength & Conditioning EYFS/KS1/KS2 Mr Chikuza

3.20 – 4.20 = £3.50

3.20 – 4.45 = £5.00

Strength and conditioning training aims to make muscles and bones stronger in specific areas of the body. We also aim to improve strength and endurance, therefore improving the overall fitness of our children.


Football EYFS/KS1 with Mr Chikuza

3.20 – 4.20 = £3.50

3.20 – 4.45 = £5.00

Our sessions work on the children’s basic football skills, including passing, dribbling and shooting. The training then ends with small sided games, allowing the players to showcase what they have learnt.

 Art & Design KS1/KS2 with Mrs Cotterill

3.20 – 4.20 only = £3.50

Art and Design clubs offer children of all ages the opportunity to develop their creativity and artistic skills. They are a fun and enjoyable way to deepen and broaden learning.


Football KS2 with Mr Chikuza

3.20 – 4.20 = £3.50

3.20 – 4.45 = £5.00

Our sessions work on the enhancing the children’s football skills, including passing, dribbling, awareness and shooting from a more tactic-based approach The training then ends with small sided games, allowing the players to showcase what they have learnt.

 Fashion Design with Miss McLaggan KS2

3.20 – 4.20 only = £3.50

Fancy growing up to be a fashion designer?  Come long to our exciting new club where you can learn all sorts of different techniques to design and customize clothing!


Tri Golf KS2

3.20 – 4.20 = £3.50

3.20 – 4.45 = £5.00

The main goal of tri-golf is to teach children the basic skills and techniques of the game, such as grip, stance, and swing. It also helps to develop children’s hand-eye coordination, balance, and concentration. The modified equipment and course layout are designed to be more accessible for children, and the emphasis is on having fun and learning the game in a safe and supportive environment.

 Cookery KS1/2 with Miss McLaggan

3.20 – 4.20 only = £3.50

We make one dish each week and everybody takes their own food home at the end of class. Each child gets all the ingredients and equipment they need, a printed recipe to refer to and a space in which to work. Our teachers demonstrate each stage of the recipe, then go around the table offering individual help as needed.

Please book quickly by logging onto SchoolComms if you are paying or by completing and dropping off a form at the office for Pupil Premium children.

Can we please just remind parents/carers that there are outstanding payments for previous clubs.   Please can you clear the amount, otherwise your child will not be able to attend future clubs.    Any concerns please contact the office.

Thank You.

After School Club Team