At Bowesfield Primary School, Religious Education (RE) is an integral part of our curriculum. Through the teaching of RE it is our intent that children will become articulate, resilient, inclusive and inquisitive learners who show respect for the views of others and understand the importance of religious beliefs in their own community and the wider world. Our RE curriculum provokes challenging questions about the meaning of life, spirituality, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human.
At Bowesfield Primary School, our RE curriculum follows the Stockton SACRE planning. It provides regular opportunities for children to build on their prior learning by recapping previous concepts taught in preceeding lessons and units. Vocabulary is an important aspect of our RE curriculum, with new vocabulary introduced at the beginning of each new topic and referred to throughout. Children learn about key concepts such as worship and rites of passage and explore how these concepts vary between different religions.
Children learn about a range of religions alongside Christianity and our curriculum promotes equality, respect and understanding of British values. Children learn to share their own experiences of faith and to show respect for the views, traditions and cultures of others, including those with no belief. Children know that their views are valued and that they can be explored in a safe, inclusive environment. They are encouraged to question and evaluate what they hear and to make connections between their own values and beliefs and those of others. Learning to accept that people have different opinions and that these are of equal importance to their own, prepares children for life in modern British society.
Our curriculum celebrates the diverse community of the school and visits to our local church and mosque, alongside other places of worship, provide real experiences for all children. Celebrating key festivals in school and through our assemblies, supports and deepens learning In RE.
Click here to see our Religious Education Long Term Plan
Religious Education in action
We visited the gurdwara in Thornaby to learn about Sikh temples and worship. The children were amazed to see that the Sikh holy book (Guru Granth Sahib) is placed in a bed overnight. For Sikhs, the Guru Granth Sahib is a living guru.
As a school we have links with our local mosque. We also visit St. Peter’s Church on Yarm Road.
On Tuesday 3rd October, we visited St. Peter’s Church on Yarm Road for a Harvest Festival service. Rev. Cameron Abernethy led the service and we took tins and packets for the Salvation Army foodbank. Cameron used the letters from the word ‘HARVEST’ to make the words ‘HAVE’, ‘STARVE’ and ‘SHARE’. He explained that most of us have enough to eat but some people are starving and that by sharing we are supporting others. Our singing in church was incredible.
On Monday 2nd October, Y1/2 visited St. Peter’s Church on Yarm Road for a mock baptism service to learn about how babies are welcomed into the Christian faith. Rev. Cameron Abernethy led the service and Y1/2 took ‘baby’ Poppy to be baptised.